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Sino-Micro 2024 Symposium

(June 13, 2024, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, George, USA)

Sino-Micro 2024 Symposium

Welcome to the 2024 annual Overseas Chinese Society for Microbiology Symposium (Sino-Micro 2024, 2024海外华人微生物学会年会), in association with the ASM Microbe 2024 (June 13-17, 2024), Atlanta, Georgia!

Basic meeting information:

  • Co-hosts and Organizers: Sino-Micro organization.

  • Sponsors: 青岛星赛生物 / eCyte at US.

  • Time: 12:30 – 4:00 PM, June 13, 2024.

  • Meeting Venue: Room B314, Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC), 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313 (ASM meeting venue) [Google map]

  • Meeting announcements with meeting agenda:
    • Sino-Micro third and last circulation (released on June 7, 2024). Dinner information is also provided.

      • Time: 12:30 – 4:00 PM, June 13, 2024
      • Venue: Room B314, GWCC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

    • ASM Program - Session 738: https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/20188/session/738. Also, check the locally downloaded: Session 738 PDF document.

    • Earlier cirulations:
      • Sino-Micro second circulation (released on April 30, 2024). The second circulation document contains more detailed meeting agenda. In addition to the four presentations defined earlier in the first circulation, two relatively short talks will be presented by Drs. Benjamin M. Liu (Children's National Hospital) and Jian Xu (Single-Cell Center, QIBEBT, CAS). In addition, our meeting will include two special topics by Dr. Teng Liyan (ASM) and Dr. Ethan Yin (eCyte). See more information in the document.
      • Sino-Micro first circulation (released on Jan 20, 2024). The first circulation uncovered a panel of 4 outstanding colleagues, including Drs. Yiping Han (Columbia University), Xuesong He (Forsyth Institute), Peijun Ma (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital), and Jun Zhu (UPenn), who will present their cutting-edge research.

Sino-Micro 2024 Dinner and Business Session:

  • Time: 6:45 pm – 9 pm (after the Open Session of ASM Microbe), June 13, 2024
  • Venue: Restaurant: Hsu’s Gourmet, 192 Peachtree Center Avenue, Atlanta, GA. https://www.hsus.com/.
  • See more information from: Sino-Micro third and last circulation.
  • Business Session:
    • Voting for Next Term (2024 - 2026, starting from 6/14/2024):
      • President : Zuo-Qing Luo
      • President-elect : Yiping Han
      • Chair of Board of Directors: Oliver He
    • Next city of Sino-Micro 2025 in China: Suzhou or Nanjing
    • Time for Sino-Micro 2025: Sometime in summer 2025
  • Next city of Sino-Micro 2025 in China: : Suzhou or Nanjing

Summary: Sino-Micro 2024 annual symposium was a big success:

  • Meeting Summary:The Sino-Micro 2024 had about 70 attendees, 4 long research talks, 3 short research talks, one ASM journal talk, and one biotech company talk. All talks have been considerd as very high quality. Congratulations to all talks! In addition, the discussion was very active. Every talk was followed with questions and discussions!
  • Dinner and Business Session:We had a very successful dinner and business session. About 40 attendees joined the session. We voted for the next term leaders and had a wonderful discussion. Also, we appreciated the sponsorship of eCyte (i.e., 青岛星赛公司) for covering all the dinner cost - Thanks!.
  • New Term Voting Results:We voted for new leaders for the next term in the dinner and business session. For the new term (2024 - 2026), Dr. Zhao-Qing Luo (Purdue University) will be the president, and Dr. Yiping Han (Columbia University) will be the president-elect, and Dr. Oliver He (University of Michigan) will be the chair of the board of directors. Congratulations!
  • Planning Next year's Sino-Micro 2025 meeting in China: Suzhou or Nanjing will be the city of Sino-Micro 2025, the time is tentatively set up in the mid or end of July 2025, and Dr. Yiping Han will take a lead on the detailed planning. More information will be announced later.
  • Discussing Possible Collaboration with ASM Journals: Seveal ASM Journals managers attended our Sino-Micro 2024 meeting. Dr. Liyan Teng presented a talk in the meeting to introduce ASM Journals. They have also attended the Dinner and Business session. In addition, Drs. Noel Lin, Yiping Han, Oliver He, and Yiping Han had a seperate meeting to discuss possible collaborations between ASM Journals and Sino-MIcro. More information will be announced later.

Selected Photos taken from the meeting:

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022

Sino-Micro 2022


We appreciate all of your participation, presentations, and discussions! See you next time!

Our Aim: Promote discovery, exchange, and dissemination of knowledge and ideas
Sino-Micro: Overseas Chinese Society for Microbiology