Welcome to Sino-Micro!
Sino-Micro stands for The Overseas Chinese Society for Microbiology (海外华人微生物学会). Sino-Micro is an association established by and for overseas Chinese microbiologists.
Sino-Micro is formed to the promotion of discovery, exchange, and dissemination of knowledge and ideas in the field of microbiology and professional growth and career development of overseas Chinese microbiologists. Sino-Micro acts in two principal ways: (i) facilitating interaction between members; and (ii) interaction between members and microbiologists in China. Sino-Micro accomplishes these objectives through meetings and symposia, dissemination of technical information, mentoring of students and young scholars, and participation in national and international research and educational programs.
- Jan 15, 2025: The Overseas Chinese Society of Microbiology (Sino-Micro) and Nanjing University will cohost the Annual Meeting of Overseas Chinese Society of Microbiology (SinoMicro 2025) during June 6-8, 2025 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Scientists and medical practitioners in fundamental, clinical and environmental microbiology are invited to attend the event to showcase their new discoveries and to seek opportunities for scientific collaborations. The Sino-Micro 2025 first circular document was first released today. More information will be provided later.
- June 13, 2024: Sino-Micro 2024 annual symposium, in association with ASM Microbe 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia, was a big success:
- Meeting Summary:The Sino-Micro 2024 had about 70 attendees, 4 long research talks, 3 short research talks, one ASM journal talk, and one biotech company talk. All talks have been considerd as very high quality. Congratulations to all talks! In addition, the discussion was very active. Every talk was followed with questions and discussions!
- Dinner and Business Session:We had a very successful dinner and business session. About 40 attendees joined the session. We voted for the next term leaders and had a wonderful discussion. Also, we appreciated the sponsorship of eCyte (i.e., 青岛星赛公司) for covering all the dinner cost - Thanks!.
- New Term Voting Results:We voted for new leaders for the next term in the dinner and business session. For the new term (2024 - 2026), Dr. Zhao-Qing Luo (Purdue University) will be the president, and Dr. Yiping Han (Columbia University) will be the president-elect, and Dr. Oliver He (University of Michigan) will be the chair of the board of directors. Congratulations!
- Planning Next year's Sino-Micro 2025 meeting in China: Suzhou or Nanjing will be the city of Sino-Micro 2025, the time is tentatively set up in the mid or end of July 2025, and Dr. Yiping Han will take a lead on the detailed planning. More information will be announced later.
- Discussing Possible Collaboration with ASM Journals: Seveal ASM Journals managers attended our Sino-Micro 2024 meeting. Dr. Liyan Teng presented a talk in the meeting to introduce ASM Journals. They have also attended the Dinner and Business session. In addition, Drs. Noel Lin, Yiping Han, Oliver He, and Yiping Han had a seperate meeting to discuss possible collaborations between ASM Journals and Sino-MIcro. More information will be announced later.
- June 7, 2024: Sino-Micro third and last circulation was posted. Dinner information is also provided in the document. See more in Sino-Micro 2024 workshop home page.
- April 30, 2024: The second circulation of the Sino-Micro 2024 meeting was announced. Welcome to join!
- Jan 20, 2024: The first circulation of the Sino-Micro 2024 meeting was announced. Welcome to join and submit your abstract!
- July 7-9, 2023: Sino-Micro 2023 occurred on July 7-9, 2023 Changchun, China. See: the final Sino-Micro 2023 meeting program. It was a very successful meeting. Congratulations!
- June 15-19, 2023: Many Sino-Micro members attended the ASM Microbe 2023 conference, June 15-19, 2023, at Houston, Texas, USA. Sixteen of our members also got together at the restaurant Pepper twin, 3915 Kirby Dr Houston, TX 77098, starting at 7 pm, June 15. We appreciate Dr. Hongmin Li's help in organizing the gathering event. Here are a few pictures taken from the event: Pic1, Pic2, and Pic3. Professor Wenjuan Wu (吴文娟) and Dr. Min Zhang (张旻) also recorded their experiences and feelings about their participation of the meeting.
- May 26, 2023: See the Sino-Micro 2023 symposium second circulation, which was announced by Dr. Zhao-Qing Luo today. See more information: https://sinomicro.org/sinomicro/, http://www.micro2023-jdyy.cn/, or http://www.micro2023-jdyy.cn/web_api/wap_index.
- Feb-July / 2023: Preparing for "The Overseas Chinese Society for Microbiology (Sino-Micro) 2023 Symposium". See the meeting website for more info: http://www.micro2023-jdyy.cn/. See: Meeting announcement in Sohu (a Chinese social media).
- 2/12/2023: "The Overseas Chinese Society for Microbiology (Sino-Micro) 2023 Symposium", co-hosted by Sino-Micro and The First Hospital of Jilin University, will be held at Changchun, China from July 7–9, 2023. The Theme of this annual meeting is: "From Bench to Bedside, the Search of Cures for Infectious Diseases (从基础到临床,探索治疗感染性疾病的方案)". Please check out the Sino-Micro 2023 symposium first circulation. Welcome to join!
- 6/9/2022: "The Overseas Chinese Society for Microbiology (Sino-Micro) 2022 Symposium" will be held at 12 - 4:00 pm Eastern Time, on June 9, 2022, in association with the ASM Microbe 2022. The venue of our symposium is Monument (room name), Marriott Marquis, 901 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001. Washington Marriott Marquis is the "convention center headquarters hotel", next to Walter E. Washington Convention Center (the main conference venue). Sino-Micro 2022 symposium is open to everyone. Please check out the Sino-Micro 2022 agenda. Aslo see more information in our Sino-Micro 2022 meeting website. Welcome to join!
- 5/3/2022: Prof. Qijing Zhang, Clarence Hartley Covault Distinguished Professor and associate dean for research and graduate studies, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, was elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), USA. See more on NAS News: http://www.nasonline.org/news-and-multimedia/news/2022-nas-election.html. Dr. Zhang is also a member of the Sino-Micro Board of Directors. Congratulations, Qijing!
- 10/25-29/2021: The Sino-Micro 2021 symposium meeting open. A summery is provided here:
- Five opening talks, including the welcome messages from Dr. Zixin Deng (conference co-chair), Dr. Yumei Wen (honorary chair), Welcome introduction by Dr. Yi-Wei Tang (conference co-chair), the Scientific committee report by Dr. Oliver He (scientific committee chair), and welcome message by Dr. Ping Xu (organization committee chair).
- 64 oral presentations, including 16 plenary presentations, 15 keynote presentations, and 33 lectures. Many world-renowned scientists such as Russ Higuchi, George Fu Gao, and Feng Shao delivered wonderful talks.
- 52 poster presentations.
Also see a list of selected Sino-Micro 2021 pictures and videos taken during the meeting.
- 10/24/2021: The Sino-Micro 2021 meeting program is available at here. Six session topics are covered: Pathogen, Virus and Vaccine, Metabolic Sciences and Microbial Metabolism, Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology, Antibiotics & Resistance, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, and Intestinal Microbiomes and Microbial Bioinformatics. Welcome to attend.
- 5/17/2021: The second circular of the Sino-Micro 2021 meeting program is available at here. The meeting theme is set up as: Addressing the unprecedented public health challenges: the essence of microbial sciences and global collaboration. The meeting time has been changed to October 25–29, 2021 The website for the meeting is here: http://www.icms-sjtu.org/.
- 1/1/2021: The Overseas Chinese Society of Microbiology (Sino-Micro) and State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) will co-host the Annual Meeting of Overseas Chinese Society of Microbiology (Sino-Micro 2021) in the end of October 2021 in Shanghai. Scientists and practitioners in fundamental, clinical and environmental microbiology are invited to attend the event to share their new discoveries and to seek opportunities for collaborations. The first circular of the Sino-Micro 2021 meeting program is available at here. Welcome to attend.
- 8/31/2020: Dr. Yi-Wei Tang (new Sino-Micro President) and Dr. Hua Wang (new Sino-Micro Chair of Board Directors) announced in email the 2020 election results: President-Elect: Yongqun (Oliver) He (University of Michigan). Board Directors: Zhaoqin Luo (Purdue University), Ping Xu (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Jingren Zhang (Tsinghua University), Qijing Zhang (Iowa State University); and Jizhong (Joe) Zhou (University of Oklahoma). Welcome, Sino-Micro new leaders!
- 8/5/2020: Dr. Hua Wang, our Sino-Micro president, emailed to the Sino-Micro email list Sino-Micro president's message .
- 3/1/2020: Dr. Yi-Wei Tang distributed the first circular of the Six Sino-Micro Symposium with the theme "One Health: Emerging Pathogens".
- 10/10-13/2019: The 2nd International Conference on Biofilms (ChinaBiofilms 2019) will be held on October 10-13, 2019 in Guangzhou, China. ChinaBiofilms 2019 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of biofilms and food safety control to a common forum.
- 7/12-15/2019: The 2019 Sino-Micro Symposium was held at Beijing.
- 6/18/2019: Prof. Jizhong (Joe) Zhou received the 2019 ASM Award for Environmental Research. This award "Recognizes an outstanding scientist with distinguished research achievements that have improved our understanding of microbes in the environment, including aquatic, terrestrial and atmospheric settings." Congratulations!
- 4/26/2019: The first newletter was announced.
- 1/24/2019: The second circulation of the 2019 Sino-Micro Symposium was announced. We look forward to seeing you at the beautiful Yanqi Lake Campus of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, located in Huairou District, Beijing.
- 6/15/2018:Prof. Xingmin Sun, our SinoMicro member from USF Health Department of Molecular Medicine, has been funded through a newly awarded $2 million NIH R01 grant and a NIH R21 grant to develop effective vaccines against Clostridium difficile infection (CDI). Dr. Sun was interviewed at the ASM Microbe 2018 conference to share his team's progress and perspectives. Watch the videos of his interviews: "A Vaccine for C. difficile: Current Progress", and "A Vaccine for C. difficile: What to Consider".
- 6/6/2018: The final program of the 2018 Sino-Micro Symposium announced. The information of the final program is also recorded on the 2018 Sino-Micro Symposium website.
- 5/23/2018: An updated program of the 2018 Sino-Micro Symposium announced. The information of the final program is also recorded on the 2018 Sino-Micro Symposium website.
- 4/28-29/2018: The program of the 2018 Sino-Micro Symposium was updated. The information of the final program is also recorded on the 2018 Sino-Micro Symposium website.
- 3/14/2018: The first draft program of the 2018 Sino-Micro Symposium announced. The information of the first draft program was also recorded on the 2018 Sino-Micro Symposium website.
- 2/19/2018: The 2018 Sino-Micro/ASM Society Day registration website is now ready for members to register. The registration website is here: https://sinomicro.org/2018symp/registration.php. Please register soon.
- 02/06/2018: In the general ASM meeting this year, a 2018 Sino-Micro Symposium will be held on June 7, 2018. Please join the global leaders in fundamental, clinical & translational, and environmental microbiology to interpret the history and shape the hottest future of microbiology, business and global collaboration.
- 03/17/2017: Xi, Chuanwu (president of Sino-Micro) emailed: "We are excited to announce that this year our annual symposium will be held in Xi'an from 6/29-7/1/2017. You may know that we have decided that we alternate our annual meeting location in the US and China each year. This year, Dr. Haihua Liang from Northwest University at Xi'an graciously agree to host the meeting for us." Please see the first announcement of the event. We hope to see you at the meeting and present your very recent discoveries. The 2017 symposium website is: http://www.microsociety.com.cn/. Please go to the website and submit your abstract by 5/20/2017. We appreciate very much if you can let us know earlier once you decide to join.
- 06/15/2016: 2016 Sino-Micro business meeting was also held on June 15, 2016.
- Wang, Hua (Ohio State University), a two-term board members of Sino-Micro and the Past Division Chair of Food Microbiology of ASM, was elected as 2016-2018 Sino-Micro Secretory and President-Elect. Xi, Chuanwu (Univ. of Michigan), the current President-Elect, will be the 2016-2018 Sino-Micro President.
- 2016 Excellence in Service Awards were given to the following members: Tang, Yi-Wei (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center), Wang, Hua (Ohio State Univ.), Zhang, Jing-Ren (Tsinghua Univ.), Zhang, Qijing (Iowa State Univ.),
and Zhou, Jizhong (Univ. of Oklahoma). This was just a small token to show our appreciation to their service and dedication to SINO-Micro organization. As Frank introduced: "They have served as SINO-Micro board members for two consecutive terms during 2010-2016, and are the key members of building SINO-Micro since the beginning. They rotated off from the board after finishing two terms to give opportunity to other members to serve, but they all expressed their continuing dedication to serve SINO-Micro."
- New board members were also elected by a formal voting process.
- An amendment of Sino-Micro Bylaw was passed during the meeting.
- 06/15/2016: The one-day 2016 Sino-Micro Symposium (“International Symposium of One Health: the Role of Microbe”) was held successfully. See the meeting program for detail.
- 11/19/2015: The abstract submission for ASM Microbe 2016 (June 16-20, Boson, MA) was open. The conference abstract submission deadline is January 12, 2016. Note that our Sino-Micro symposium will be held on June 15, 2016, one day before the ASM Microbe 2016 conference starts.
- 11/15/2015: A web page was generated for the 2016 Sino-Micro Symposium. The first circular document is HERE.
- 11/13/2015: 中科院医药学组院士新鲜出炉,祝贺邵峰当选! 邵峰 (Shao, Feng) , a Sino-Micro member, is 北京生命科学研究所学术副所长 and 资深研究员. His research "专注研究病原细菌感染宿主和宿主先天性免疫防御的分子机制".
- 10/28/2-15: 首届“周集中—石小娅奖学金”颁奖仪式在清华大学中意环境节能楼举行. 清华大学环境学院“千人计划”特聘教授周集中为首批5名获奖的研究生和本科生颁发了证书. Prof. Jizhong Zhou (our Sino-Micro member) and his wife set up the “周集中—石小娅奖学金”, 用于奖励清华大学从事生态学、环境科学和工程专业的优秀学生。从而促进清华大学生态学、环境科学和工程专业的学生培养,为优秀学生提供更多的激励.
- 5/23/2015: Hua Wang’s research findings on antibiotic resistance received lots of media coverages as well as award:
- 5/22/2015: Please join us to congratulate Joe (Ji-Zhong) Zhou to receive the highly prestigious 2014 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award (劳伦斯奖)! Lawrence Award in biological and environmental sciences is the Department of Energy’s highest scientific award. The Lawrence Award was established by President Dwight Eisenhower to honor the memory of Dr. Ernest Orlando Lawrence, who invented the cyclotron - an accelerator of subatomic particles - and received a 1939 Nobel Laureate in physics for the achievement. The news was just announced today at different websites:
- 4/22/2015: Chuanwu Xi announced the news on the "2015 Annual Business Meeting in New Orleans". Time: 6:30-8:00 pm, Sunday, May 31, 2015. Venue: Room (Galerie 2), New Orleans Marriott Hotel (asm2015 Headquarters). Agenda: (1) Sino-Micro business briefing and plan for a symposium in 2016; (2) Member Research update (15min/speaker, 3-5 speakers). In addition, there will be a Dinner together starting at 8:00 pm (optional and on own).
Check: more Sino-Micro News.